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PostBIGGWYNRAM Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:18 am

Keep seeing this being banded about, but what is modern football, when did it change, what's the alternative, and how far doe sit spread down the Leagues, surely at most levels even non league it's about money sadly.
Even at levels like Merthyr play at, the players are there in most cases for the money and will travel if more or better becomes available. Discuss
Colonel Cardiffi
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PostColonel Cardiffi Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:40 am

I'd be willing to bet that people who are 'Against Modern Football' still read about the game in the press, still watch the Champions League Final and catch their favourite team when they play on Sky. They may even go to the stadium to watch their local team.

It just seems like yet another way for people who want to align themselves to a cause to make themselves appear interesting.
The Tonker
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PostThe Tonker Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:55 am

Football, like life, is constantly evolving. Football in, say, the 70s was nothing like football used to be in, say the 40s. It's always changed, we can't put the genie back in the bottle. Sky and money in football can't be erased. If Sky disappeared now, someone else would take their place. We just have to go with the flow and accept the changes. It could be worse - football is still recognisably the same game it's always been. Compare that with cricket, which is a pale shadow of what it used to be even ten years ago. Even test cricket is teetering, only England, Australia and South Africa take it that seriously.
Arkay Dubya
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PostArkay Dubya Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:46 am

Colonel Cardiffi wrote:I'd be willing to bet that people who are 'Against Modern Football' still read about the game in the press, still watch the Champions League Final and catch their favourite team when they play on Sky. They may even go to the stadium to watch their local team.

It just seems like yet another way for people who want to align themselves to a cause to make themselves appear interesting.


Well said Mr Whitts and, by definition, I am not involved in the movement and therefore not as interesting as them...I am a fudgesight happier though.

Tyrion Tannister
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PostTyrion Tannister Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:48 pm

Just another in the long list of complaints cynics like to make up, because I'd they don't have anything to complain about there's nothing left in their lives.
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PostRhonddared Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:59 pm

I've never understood people who are against progress. It was not so long ago when people would say "Only players should wear the shirt" now it is a large money maker for all clubs.
*** G L O V E S ***
*** G L O V E S ***
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Post*** G L O V E S *** Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:00 pm

Sky - the main culprit in what is supposedly all bad about modern football - has done more good for the sport than bad.

Tyrion Tannister
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PostTyrion Tannister Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:31 pm

*** G L O V E S *** wrote:Sky - the main culprit in what is supposedly all bad about modern football - has done more good for the sport than bad.


Very true. I don't see how being able to watch every game you want to, often whenever you want to, is a bad thing. And I don't believe it damages attendances at all, I know many people that go to City's games but then also record them if they have a chance - it gives you a much better view than your seat ever could if something important happened.
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